Sunday, May 22, 2011

Studio Journals

The month is more then half over and last night I realized that I haven’t posted since for weeks.   Where does the time go?  My studio is full of bits and pieces of unfinished work for new workshops in the works.  I am constantly thinking of how I can take what I do and teach informative workshops in a one day format.  It is always a challenging proposition.  Then of course my monthly enews needs to be finished and a new workshop posted on my KathyAnneArt site.  At least I know my workshop will be about how I create my studio journal/sketchbooks. It will be a video workshop and posted by the end of the month.  Probably the video will record on Thursday but my deadlines for that are loose:) 
Since Sue Bleiweiss invited me to be a guest blogger for her Sketchbook Challenge and then included my art and sketchbook for a certain project in her new book due in June 2012, I have been working on a plan to create sketchbooks/journals based on my current work.  It is easy to see that when photographs are taken of my beverage can installations and some of my other digital assemblages, the viewer doesn’t get the full idea of what goes into the artwork.  When a viewer is standing in front of one of my large beverage can wall pieces the statement I hear the most is- “but where are the beverage cans?”  When I pair that with the experience of creating artwork for Sue’s book, I see how important it is to keep records of what happens in my studio.  
So today as I was feeling frustrated with some results I was having with one of my projects for a new workshop idea I sat down with my studio journal and before I was done writing I knew what I wanted to do.  I blurred out a word or 2.  There are also a couple other pages from my studio journal from a couple months ago.  Enjoy!

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